How can technology make investment easier?

Stock Market Investment Shot, 18th April 2023

Stock Market Investment Shot, 18th April 2023

Technology has changed the way we live our life. In the last few decades, it has completely transformed our lives. The way we travel, spend, socialize or invest, technology has made it convenient. 

When it comes to technology and investing, a lot has changed. Buying and selling of shares happen at a click of a button. Also, thousands of data pointers can now be analyzed in a split second. How else can technology help investors?

Today, we look at how technology has made the investment journey extremely easy for investors. Below are some areas where technology plays a vital role in investing – 

Access to information – Most times, having the right piece of information at the right time is essential. It helps you make better investments and avoid a bad ones. Earlier, investors used to rely mainly on TV and print media for information. The problem is you cannot be in front of the TV all the time, and with the print media, the information always reaches late to you. Now with technology, you have all the information at your fingertips. Be it a corporate announcement or result declaration – you have all the information.

Detailed data – Today, with technology, you can analyze a company based on hundreds of pointers within a few minutes. All the financial ratios are available, and you don’t have to calculate them for each company of your interest. Depending on your need, you can pick the right app and check all the ratios and decide what you need to do.

Human emotions – Most investors don’t make money in the stock market because they cannot control their emotions. They behave opposite to what they should in an ideal case scenario. When an investor sees the market going up, they tend to assume it will continue to go up. They invest heavily at the peak. When it goes down, you don’t invest – you are unsure how low it will go. 

Technology can help with better investment decisions by removing emotions from your investment journey. Technology can study the data pointers as mentioned above. Also, it guides you when to buy and when to avoid investments.

Risk management – Let us assume you have invested in 30 different stocks. You can’t track each company all the time. Why? There are many parameters to track – financials, corporate news, growth news, frauds, etc. In most cases, an average investor cannot track all his investments and may not exit at the right time.

Technology is changing this scenario. With technology, tracking and monitoring stocks in a portfolio are super easy. There are tools available that will continuously monitor companies in your portfolio. It will send an alert when a red flag is raised. You can act in real-time to exit the company and avoid losses.

Discipline – No one becomes rich by investing for a few months. You have to be disciplined and invest over the years to create wealth. Using technology, you can build on that habit. Your investment platform should be smart enough to remind you to make regular investments.

What else?

All this is fine. But at the end of the day, we need a human brain to manage the technology. Yes, one cannot deny that technology can only help to a certain extent. It will guide you to your destination, but you will have to drive your car. We have created a platform that will make your journey smooth. 

You want to go to an unknown location – what do you do? You put on a GPS, sit in your car, and drive through as the GPS tells you. You have complete faith in the GPS – you know it will find the best possible route for you. 

On the same lines, we have created a technology-driven platform for you. Based on your goal and investment horizon, it will tell you which stocks to invest in so that you reach your destination. Not only this, just like GPS, it will also tell you which paths to avoid. If you take a wrong turn, your journey can become long and tiresome. You must avoid making investments where you lose a substantial part of your capital. In short, you have to manage the risk.

Jarvis Invest is an AI-driven platform that helps you invest in stocks based on your risk profile and investment horizon. It is like the GPS. It will guide each investor to their respective destination through the best possible route. Even if the destination for two investors is the same, the path can still be different – it will depend on what time of the day you are starting and your current location.

It has a risk management system to ensure you have a smooth and safe ride. You do not have to worry about the unknown location now – you can explore the world of equity with Jarvis Invest. There is no excuse not to invest in stocks. Download our app and get started.

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