About Us
We are Big Data & AI (Artificial Intelligence) Enabled Autonomous Stock Advisory Platform.
7+years of AI in Stock Market. We have Built a Robust AI Engine which helps Retails investors in all aspect. Stocks for Trading (Short Term), Stocks for Portfolio (Long Term), Alerts on Existing Portfolio Stocks (Sell Alerts) thereby helping a Retail Investor Invest wisely in this every changing Markets. With AI, we continuously analyze around 40 million data points non-stop to help you stay ahead on your investment path.
Our Mission
To unravel and unleash the power of AI in stock trading and investing to offer an enriched experience to the retail investors.
Our Vision
To make stock investments feasible to every household, improve its accessibility, provide unparalleled advisory, and offer technology as a delivery platform. We strive to become a medium for bringing about a change in the perception of the markets in the mind of the retail investor.
Meet our Team
The team at JARVIS is a combination of passionate individuals with  experience across the Financial Services & IT industry. Together they bring to the table every aspect of running a successful business.
Sumit Chanda
Founder & CEO
Chief of Product, Strategy, Emerging Markets
Shailesh Mehta
Co-Founder & Director
Chief of Tech Ops & Planning
Prashant More
Chief Technology Officer
Chief of Tech Stack & Developments
Shreerang Ketkar
Chief Compliance Officer
Chief of Legal, SEBI & Statutory Compliance
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