Suggested,"If your investment is under 50k-1 lakh, you can divide it into four equal parts and invest in four different stocks. Once a sell is generated for a stock, you can utilize the proceeds for a new buy in another suggested stock. We provide One stocks per week for These have a holding between 7 to 45 days. Once the initial investment in a stock is due for selling, the value of your 1 lakh investment will compound and be reinvested in the suggested stock.
PLUS SLABSuggested,"If your investment is between 1 lakh to 5 lakhs, you can divide it into twelve equal parts and invest in 6 different stocks. Once a sell is generated for a stock, you can utilize the proceeds for a new buy in another suggested stock. We provide three stocks per week for holding between 7 to 45 days. In a month, you can expect approximately twelve recommendations. Once the initial investment in a stock is due for selling, the value of your investment will compound and be reinvested in the suggested stock."
Premium SlabSuggested, “If your investment is above 10 lakhs, you can divide it into 20 equal parts and invest in approx 20 different stocks recommended per month. Once a sell is generated for a stock, you can utilize the proceeds for a new buy in another suggested stock. We provide five stocks per week for holding between 7 to 45 days. In a month, you can expect approximately twenty stock suggestions. Once the initial investment in a stock is due for selling, the value of your investment will compound and be reinvested in the suggested stock."
One stock alert a week before market hours
One Stock Plus-Three stock* alerts a week (Monday Wednesday & Friday)Before market hours
One Stock Premium-Five stock* alerts a week (All trading days)Before market hours
Note:*Stocks will be recommended based on prevailing market conditions. There might be days where you might not receive any recommendation, if JARVIS is unable to identify suitable stock based on your risk profile.Partner
7th Floor Dheeraj Kawal, Lal Bahadur Shastri Rd, Vikhroli West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400079
Mon - Sat | 09:00 AM - 08:00 PM (Sunday Closed)